Nina is a preacher, speaker, Wild Church facilitator, spiritual director, and she loves to share good news.
“Nurturing the Greenbelt that Nurtures Us” | Hamilton Spectator, May 2023.
“Muscular Ecological Hope: Training Our Eyes to See the Eternal Sabbath” | Christian Courier, January 2023.
“What Good is a Front Lawn: An Invitation to Delight in the Untaming of Creation” | Christiain Courier, October 2022.
“Come and Eat: What Fruit Trees and Sparrows Have Taught Me About Economics” | Christiain Courier, September 2022.
“Yahweh Takes on Mammon: Growing Tomatoes Under the Shadow of Empire” | Christian Courier, July 2022.
“For the Sake of the Earth: Curing Hurry-Sickness with Sabbath Hope” | Christian Courier, June 2022.